Saturday 22 December 2012

Everybody's going surfing

Leon, Nicaragua lies near a string of volcanoes known as the Cordillera Los Maribios. The youngest is Cerro Negro and is just over 700 metres in height and we decided to surf it and it was super, super fun! What this means is:

  • You hike up the volcano, with a sled in hand to the top - which ends up being around 500m
  • You check out the volcano, the craters and the awesome view from the top
  • You discover that if you dig up the black ash below your feet about 10cm deep, which is like gravel, you can feel the heat radiating from beneath you

  • You suit up - elbow pads, knee pads, canvas suit, goggles and gloves

  • You walk to the edge with your sled

  • Sit on the sled and go!

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