Friday 28 September 2012

Hasta La Vista Miriam

While at Asuncion, we learned of a hurricane off shore heading our way - called Miriam. We started tracking her movements and decided we should head towards Santa Rosalia or La Paz so we could have an escape route to the mainland via the ferries. So we packed up and headed east.
On our journey, we drove past some of the most amazing coastline I think Mexico has to offer. We drove through a town called Punta Abreojos and saw amazing surf (possibly courtesy of Miriam) that Dan equated to a surfers wet dream. We got the chance to drive on a beach which was covered in the softest and smoothest of shells and do a bit of off roading.
We stopped off in a town called San Ignacio for lunch and some very tasty fish tacos and continued on to Santa Rosalia, where we spent the night.
Santa Rosalia was an interesting town, it had an old mining and industrial feel to it and felt "large" compared to Bahia Asuncion. Whilst there, we went on the hunt for a new tent, but with no success. So we decided to head towards La Paz and hit the shops there.

Driving over shells

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