Friday 28 September 2012

Oh no, she broke!

Don't worry, we aren't talking about the Loretta here...
After coming to the conclusion that the east cost of Baja was a tad warm, we decided to head back to the west side and ended up at a town called Bahia Asuncion - a destination chosen on the recommendation of a fellow Gringo. Accommodation was by the beach at Campo Sirena (run by the lovely Juan and Shari) and this is where the glitch of our lovely (or not so lovely) carbon tent poles decided to snap! Dan managed to rig the tent up to the car awning for the night and that did the job. We repaired the pole the next morning (before our morning fish and prawn tacos) and success...for about an hour, then the blimmin pole snapped in a second location. We fixed the pole again and all was well, for five minutes, then uh-oh it snapped again, in a third spot!
The lovely Shari had some alternate accommodation available and we were able to shack up for a couple more nights in a room overlooking the beach so we could soak up some more of the Asuncion air.
So now, the hunt for a spare tent begins, plus the adventures of a new pole being sent to us begins...we will keep you in the loop!

Not looking too good

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